
P.-Y. Brandt et al. (eds.), When Children Draw Gods: a Multicultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Children’s Representations of Supernatural Agents. Springer: 2023. (New Approaches to the Scientific Study of Religion 12)

Table of contents:

Front Matter. Pages i-viii

Pierre-Yves Brandt, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Christelle Cocco, Dominique Vinck, Frédéric Darbellay, Introduction to the Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Project Children’s Drawings of Gods: Presentation of the Project and of this Book. Pages 1-12.

Pierre-Yves Brandt, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Grégory Dessart, Hanneke Muthert, Hanneke Schaap-Jonker, Integrative Model of Children’s Representations of God in Drawings. Pages 15-42

Grégory Dessart, Children’s God Representations: Are Anthropomorphic God Figures Only Human?. Pages 45-67

Grégory Dessart, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Humanness and Non-Humanness in Children’s Drawings of God: A Case Study from French-Speaking Switzerland. Pages 69-126

Grégory Dessart, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Construction and Transgression of Gender Categories in Representations of Divine Figures: A Cross-Cultural Study of Children’s Drawings. Pages 127-152

Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Christelle Cocco, Grégory Dessart, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Where Gods Dwell? Part I: Spatial Imagery in Children’s Drawings of Gods. Pages 153-170

Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Christelle Cocco, Grégory Dessart, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Where Gods Dwell? Part II: Embodied Cognition Approach and Children’s Drawings of Gods. Pages 171-187

Christelle Cocco, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Pierre-Yves Brandt, Automated Colour Identification and Quantification in Children’s Drawings of God. Pages 191-212

Christelle Cocco, Raphaël Ceré, Computer Vision and Mathematical Methods Used to Analyse Children’s Drawings of God(s). Pages 213-244

Richard P. Jolley, Grégory Dessart, Emotional Expression in Children’s Drawings of God. Pages 247-284

Hanneke Muthert, Hanneke Schaap-Jonker, Different Attachment Styles in Relation to Children’s Drawings of God: A Qualitative Exploration of the Use of Symbols in a Dutch Sample. Pages 285-321

Mohammad Khodayarifard, Reza Pourhosein, Shahla Pakdaman, Saeid Zandi, Iranian Children’s Drawings of God: Demographic and Contextual Considerations. Pages 325-361

Alberto Domeniconi Küntgen-Nery, Camila Mendonça Torres, Esdras Guerreiro Vasconcellos, Wellington Zangari, The First Discoveries and the Challenges of Researching Representations of Gods in a Continental Country Such as Brazil. Pages 363-382

Thomas Römer, Biblical Aniconism? Representing the Gods of Ancient Israel and Judah. Pages 385-395

Zahra Astaneh, The Representation of God in Islam and Its Prohibition: Strategies Used by Iranian Children When Asked to Draw God. Pages 397-424

Ramiro Tau, Natural and Supernatural Agents: Children’s Representations of Gods and Dead Entities. Pages 427-452

Dominique Vinck, Pierre-Nicolas Oberhauser, “Equipping Work” and the Production of a Large-Scale Digital Infrastructure: An Ethnographic Inquiry into the Children’s Drawings of Gods Project. Pages 455-469

Olga Serbaeva, Brief History of the Database Children’s Drawings of Gods (2015–2019). Pages 471-487

Frédéric Darbellay, Interdisciplinarity, Team Science, and the Next Generation of Researchers: The Children’s Drawings of Gods Project Experience. Pages 489-500

Pierre-Yves Brandt, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Christelle Cocco, Dominique Vinck, Frédéric Darbellay, Interdisciplinary Approaches to Children’s Drawings of Gods: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives. Pages 503-515

Back Matter. Pages 517-569

GrĂ©gory Dessart, Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Pierre-Yves Brandt, “Construction et transgression des catĂ©gories de genre dans les reprĂ©sentations de figures divines : comparaison interculturelle de dessins d’enfants et adolescents.” In: Imaginaires queers: transgressions religieuses et culturelles Ă  travers l’espace et le temps, sous la direction de Irene Becci et Francesca Prescendi Morresi (Collection a contrario), BNS Press, 2020. Pages 93-112.

Zhargalma Dandarova-Robert, Christelle Cocco, Zahra Astaneh & Pierre-
Yves Brandt, “Children’s Imagination of the Divine: Creativity Across Religions”. In: Creativity: Research Journal, 2023, 35:2, 254-275, DOI: 10.1080/10400419.2023.2177414

Pierre-Yves Brandt, “Dieux sans frontières: Quand les enfants dessinent des agents surnaturels”, In: Droits de l’enfant et croyances religieuses : Autonomie, Ă©ducation, tradition. Actes du 10e Colloque printanier du Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant (CIDE) de l’UniversitĂ© de Genève et de l’Institut international des
droits de l’enfant (IDE). 2-3 mai 2019.
Centre interfacultaire en droits de l’enfant (CIDE), Université de Genève, 2020. Pages 94-114.

Brandt, P.-Y., Serbaeva O., Cocco, Ch., Dessart, G., Dandarova Robert, Z., Rivoal, M., 2019, Dessins de dieux [database] (DaSCH),

Pierre-Yves Brandt, Christelle Cocco, GrĂ©gory Dessart et Zhargalma Dandarova, “ReprĂ©sentations de dieux dans des dessins d’enfants.” In: ReprĂ©senter dieux et hommes dans le Proche-Orient ancien et dans la Bible. Actes du colloque organisĂ© par le Collège de France, Paris, les 5 et 6 main 2015, Ă©ditĂ©s par Thomas Römer, HervĂ© Gonzalez, Lionel Marti. Peeters, 2019. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, 287). Pages 347-370.

Christelle Cocco, RaphaĂ«l CerĂ©, Aris Xanthos, Pierre-Yves Brandt, “Identification and quantification of colours in children’s drawings”. In: Computational Methods in the Humanities 2018. Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Methods in the Humanities (COMHUM 2018), Lausanne, Switzerland, June 4–5, 2018. Edited by: Michael Piotrowski. Published on CEUR-WS: 25-Jan-2019

Christelle Cocco, Olga Serbaeva, Frédéric Darbellay, Dominique Vinck, Zhargalma Dandarova Robert, Pierre-Yves Brandt, “Images at the crossroads between computer vision and the human and social sciences: An inter- and transdisciplinary project of drawings of gods”. University of Lausanne, University of Geneva, Switzerland. (TD_net, 2018) Poster.

FrĂ©dĂ©ric Darbellay, Dominique Vinck, Christelle Cocco, GrĂ©gory Dessart, Zhargalma Dandarova, Pierre-Yves Brandt. “L’interdisciplinaritĂ© en partage : collaborer pour innover: Le projet «dessins de Dieu»”. In: InnovatiO – La revue pluridisciplinaire en innovation, 2018, L’interdisciplinaritĂ© en action au sein des projets de recherche en innovation – NumĂ©ro spĂ©cial, 5. Link.

Cocco Christelle, Dessart Grégory, Serbaeva Olga, Brandt Pierre-Yves, Vinck Dominique, Darbellay Frédéric, “Potentialités et difficultés d’un projet en humanités numériques (DH) : confrontation aux outils et réorientations de recherche.” 2018/04. Digital Humanities Quarterly, 12 (1) pp. NA. Peer-reviewed.

Dandarova Robert Zhargalma, Dessart Grégory, Serbaeva Olga, Puzdriac Camélia, Khodayarifard Mohammad, Akbari Zardkhaneh Saeed, Zandi Saeid, Petanova Elena, Ladd Kevin L., Brandt Pierre-Yves, “A Web-Based Database for Drawings of Gods: When the Digitals Go Multicultural.” 2016. Archiv für Religionspychologie / Archive for the Psychology of Religion, 38 (3) pp. 343-352. Peer-reviewed.

Cocco Christelle, Dessart Grégory, Serbaeva Olga, Firmenich Damien, Dandarova Robert Zhargalma, Brandt Pierre-Yves, “Children’s drawings of gods database: development, image processing, text mining.” 2016. In: European Data Science Conference.

Pierre-Yves Brandt, “ReprĂ©sentations enfantines de dieux: comparaison interculturelle”. In: Qui ĂŞtes-vous pour nous apprendre nos religions?
Sous le direction de Guy Rainotte, avec Pierre-Yves Brandt [et al.]. L’Harmattan, 2016. Pages 39-59.

Pierre-Nicolas Oberhauser, “Des collaborations Ă©quivoques. La participation de spĂ©cialistes en sciences et techniques informatiques Ă  un projet de recherche en humanitĂ©s numĂ©riques.” In: Revue d’anthropologie des connaissances, 2016/4 (Vol. 10, n° 4), p. 557-586. DOI 10.3917/rac.033.0557
