๐Ÿ‡ท๐Ÿ‡ด Romania (756)

756 images were collected in Romania between 2010 and 2017.

Explore the hierarchical structure of the Romanian collection below:

Codes (regions):
BV = Brasov
MO = Moldavia

Collection sites (all collects took place in the public schools, thus the initial “P”):
PAC = Scoala Gimnaziala 13, Alexandru cel Bun, Iasi
PAH = Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 22, B.P. Hasdeu, judetul Iasi
PAP = Scoala Gimnaziala, Petru Anghel, Probota, judetul Iasi
PB = Public school in the city of Brasov
PI = Public school in the city of Iasi
PLC = Scoala Gimnaziala nr. 1, Lunca Cetatuii, judetul Iasi
PR = Public school in rural region in Moldova
PV = Public school in urban region in Moldova

Here you can explore age-gender range of the Romanian collection:

Small sample of images from Romania:
