Here is a set of links allowing to find the set of items with often used combined parameters. When you click on any of the buttons, it will open a corresponding selection of images on DaSCH. The results will depend on your level of access.
Search by kind of object:
The “rectos” are public. The objects “versos”, “persons” and “individual questionnaires” are accessible only to project members with SNF access.
Search by country of collect:
Explore collection by Age-Range and Gender of the Person
Please note that the object “Person” is constructed in such a manner that all drawings by the same person are collected under one person (persons might have up to 3 drawings). However, this search will find 3272 girls, 3624 boys and 26 participants of which the gender has not been identified, i.e. these are smaller numbers then if one searches by the object “Drawings” (see below), in which all images are counted separately.
Search the Collection by Gender and Age in the Object “Drawings”
Explore collection by religious identity of children (where known)
Only available with SNF access level.