1043 drawings (of which 1031 are public and 12 have restricted access) were collected in various cantons of Switzerland between 2005 and 2016. There are 2 major sub-collections: “UNIL”, i.e. the images collected generally at schools, and the “Mystères UNIL”, 2014, where general public of all ages could contribute to the collection of the drawings of gods.
Explore the details of collection with the following hierarchical representation:
Cantons of Switzerland:
BE = Bern
FR = Fribourg
GE = Geneva
JU = Jura
NE = Neuchatel
TI = Ticino
VD = Vaud
VS = Valais
Places of collect: starting with “P” are public schools, starting with “R” are religios schools.
PBS = “Cycle d’orientation de Basse-Nendaz” (VS)
PBU = Public school “Ecole de Bussigny” (VD)
PCC = Public school “Collège Charrière” in La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)
PCO = Public school “Ecole de Contamines” in Geneva (GE)
PCP = Primary and secondary school of Cossonay-Penthalaz (VD)
PEP = Public school “Collège de la Croix-Blanche” in Epalinges (VD)
PFO = Public school “Les Forges” in La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)
PHN = Public school “Ecole primaire de Haute-Nendaz” (VS)
PM = Mystères UNIL 2014
PRE = Primary school “Ecole primaire de Reconvilier” (BE)
PSR = Public school “Collège de Savagnier” (NE)
PV = Public school(s) in Ticino
PVI = Public school “Ecole publique primaire de Vicques” (JU)
RAL = Parish “Paroisse de Aïre le Lignon” in Geneva (GE) (protest.)
RAP = Parish “Paroisse Saint-Antoine de Padoue” in Geneva (GE) (cathol.)
RAS = Primary school “Ecole primaire d’Attalens “Le Petit Prince”” (FR)
RBC = Parish “Paroisse Bernex-Confignon” (GE) (protest.)
RBE = Public school “Ecole primaire de Bossonnens” (FR)
RBI = “Eglise évangélique mennonite Les Bulles” à La Chaux-de-Fonds (NE)
RCB = Rel. school “Camp du Bouveret” in Saint-Gingolph (children from VD) (cathol.)
RCE = Parish “Paroisse Les Croisettes” in Epalinges (VD)
RCI = Public school “Ecole primaire de Courtepin” (FR) (protest.)
RCN = Public school “Ecole primaire de Courtion” (FR) (protest.)
REC = “Cycle dorientation d’Estavayer-le-lac” (FR) (protest.)
REL = Public school “Centre Educatif et Pédagogique d’Estavayer-le-Lac,” (FR) (protest.)
RJE = Parish “Paroisse Sainte-Jeanne-de-Chantal” in Geneva (GE)
RJO = Parish “Paroisse de Jongny” (VD)
RJS = Parish “Paroisse de Jouxtens” (VD)
RLD = Religious school-home in Lonay (cathol.) (VD)
RLE = Primary school “Ecole primaire de Bulle “La Léchère”” (FR) (protest.)
RLP = Parish “Paroisse de Lonay-Préverenges” in Lonay (VD)
RLT = Primary school “Ecole primaire de Bulle à La Tour-de-Trême” (FR) (protest.)
RMD = Religious school-home in Morges (VD) (cathol.)
RNF = Parish “Saint-Nicolas de Flue” in Geneva (GE) (cathol.)
RPI = Parish “Eglise Saint-Pie X” in Chatelaine in Geneva (GE) (cathol.)
RPL = Public school “Ecole primaire de Porsel” (FR) (protest.)
RPR = Parish “Paroisse de Prilly” in Prilly (VD)
RRD = Religious school-home in Rolle (VD) (cathol.)
RRO = Parish “Paroisse de Rolle” (VD) (cathol.)
RRS = Public school “Ecole primaire de Remaufens” (VD) (protest.)
RSD = Religious school-home in Morges 2 (VD) (cath.)
RSP = Parish “Paroisse de Saint-Prex” (VD) (cathol.)
RTZ = Parish in Tolochenaz (VD) (cathol.)
RVZ = Public school “Ecole primaire de Vaulruz” (FR) (protest.)
Explore the Age-Gender distribution in Swiss collection:
Selection of drawings collected in Switzerland: