143 images were collected in various regions in Japan in 2003 and 2004. Among those images, 142 are publicly accessible and 1 has a restricted access.
Explore the collection of Japan with the help of the hierarchical structure below:
Codes meaning (regions):
CA = Chiba
FA = Fukushima
TO = Tokyo
KO = Kyoto
Collection places (Initial “P” represents public schools, while initial “R” represents buddhist schools):
PFX = Public school in Fuchuu
PKX = Public school in Kagamiishi
PUX = Public school in Kunitachi
RIX = Buddhist school in Ichikawa
RNX = Buddhist school in Nakano
RTX = Buddhist school in Itabashi
RYX = Buddhist school in Kyoto
You can explore age-gender distribution in the collection from Japan with a bar-chart below:
Small sample of the images from Japan: